Ardell Natural Style False Lashes | Beauty Review ♡


Hello lovelies!

I've never really been into wearing false lashes, without boasting I'm pretty happy with how a few coats of mascara looks on my lashes plus I never could get the hang of getting the darn things stuck at the correct part of my eyelid. BUT, I had been wanting to film a dramatic autumn makeup look video for my Youtube channel which I have filmed & am still editing ;) To make it more dramatic, I thought I would grab some false lashes and whilst doing the weekly shop I took a look down the beauty isle and saw a fair few false lashes at different prices. I had heard of Ardell and when I saw that a whole bunch of the natural style lashes were on sale from £5 to £3.75, I grabbed some!

As you can see from the photo above, my right eye (your left) didn't get stuck on as neatly as the first one but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. The lashes themselves come with a lash glue which was pretty good compared to previous ones I've tried, they held the lashes on securely but when a few hours later I decided to cosy down for the night I took them off without any hassle or even left over glue - ever had it where the next day the glue still won't come off? So annoying!

I used tweezers at first which as I'm so clumsy, didn't help that much so then just like blindly sticking a tale on a donkey, I managed to stick them on without much manoeuvring afterwards. The other eye though wasn't as easy but that's obviously not a reflection on Ardell's lashes, but of my ability haha.

I have found though in the past that the lashes come too long and I have to cut them down to size, but these seemed to fit me perfectly. They make my lashes look so much longer but the thing I like about them is when topped up with some mascara, my lashes look so full and I love it! I used the Max Factor Mega Volume Mascara just for reference.

One of the only down sides to these lashes would be that the lash glue doesn't have a screw-top lid, it's almost like a sachet which can't be used again so if I were to reuse them, I would have to purchase my own glue. I have heard though that Duo lash glue is meant to be good, so this could be my chance to get my hands on that!

Overall, even if I had to pay £5 for these lashes, I would still buy them and am happy with the quality, staying power, lash glue included & false lashness (if that's even a word)!

Have you tried these false lashes or any others from Ardell? What are your favourite false lashes?

Thankyou for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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