Hello lovelies!
As I started writing this blog post, I thought I would quickly check the date of my last post which to my amazement was the beginning of October?! I only have a small following but for those who read my blog, I'm sorry! The last few months have been so jam-packed with a new little venture/project I've been working really hard on which some may have seen on my facebook page. But I will definitely write a whole post on it & add photos.
For today's post, I'm going to be rooting around my makeup bag and adding up how much my face is worth with all the makeup products I use. There's no denying that I like my highend makeup brands, but since being married I've had to budget what items NEED to be highend, and by need, I mean my equivalent to want ;) but I haven't gone without as drugstore makeup is really upping it's anty (I think that's the phrase?)
My makeup bag is from Ted Baker but we won't add that into the pricing :) I have a good mixture of products from all different price ranges and the items that have stuck with me ever since I got them are my Mac eyeshadows, apart from that, I change up things fairly often. Not to mention my huge stash of makeup I've collected and stored.
Makeup Forever HD Foundation - £35 (this was bought for me over in America so I have roughly exchanged into pounds)
Collection 2000 concealer in Light 2 - £4.19
Rimmel Stay Matte Powder in 001 Transparent - £3.99
Real Techniques Expert Face Brush - £9.99
Maybelline BROWdrama Sculpting Brow Mascara - £4.99
Maybelline Master Shape Eyebrow Pencil - £2.99
Urban Decay Primer Potion - £15 (sample but when using my full size this is what it costs)
Mac Eyeshadows in Jest, Satin Taupe, Trax & Quarry - £36 (£9 x 4)
Collection 2000 Extreme Eyeliner Pen - £2.99
Mega Volume Mascara from Maxfactor - £6.99
Mac 217 Blending Brush - £18 (this isn't included in the photos as I forgot to add it in but I use that for my eyeshadows)
Mac Cremesheen Lipstick in Reel Drama - £15
So the grand total (drumroll please!) is: £155.13
Wow that's a lot of money, but compared to some others it isn't that huge haha!
On a daily basis, these are the products I will use including a bronzer/blusher depending on how I'm feeling but this is the definite makeup items I wear. For reference, the bronzer I use is usually the Dior one or Bourjous one & blusher is usually the elf one in Tickled Pink.
How much is your face worth? If you have done a blog post on it, please please link it in the comments as I would love to have a read!