Current Favourite Reads Feat. #GIRLBOSS

Most of my recommendations come from Viviannadoesmakeup and #GIRLBOSS is no exception. As soon as I heard Anna speaking about it, I was telling Max (my husband) about it and added it to the wishlist for our upcoming present day/anniversary. I kept googling reviews and had a look at the first few pages on Amazon, I just couldn't wait to get my hands on it - I got this as a gift from Max's brother on the family present day just in case you were wondering why I continue below talking about how much I've read! The front cover in itself is in my opinion really cool, with Sophia Amoruso looking so girlbossish I actually keep this book on display!

The reasons behind wanting this book were that I've recently started up my own online business selling handmade cards, cushions & cute things for the home - you can take a look here - I also make Youtube videos and am planning on posting a blog every day so I wanted to learn more about being an owner of a company and how to stay organised, motivated and up to date with trends/social media.

I'm currently 3/4 of the way through the book now and I'm loving it. It goes into detail about Sophia's younger years, what she did to get by and how Nasty Gal (her company) started up, grew and became what it is today. The overall feel for the book is how to be a girlboss, whether it's for your own company or someone else's; it just shows you how to be great whichever work situation you are in. It's so inspiring and honestly makes me feel so motivated - I get loads done when reading this book and write lists upon lists of what I want to do with my business. I enjoy it that much that I'm scared to finish it!

At the beginning of each chapter, there is a great quote, a few of my fav's are:

'Money looks better in the bank than on your feet' - so true! When you start to make money from a business your first thought is what to spend it on but putting it back into the bank is what keeps the business going.

'Treat your mind like your money; don't waste it' - This could be interpreted in different ways but for me it means instead of wasting my thinking power on watching an episode of a series, invest that time into working hard and constantly feed your mind.

'Dream Big. Start Small' - everyone (usually) starts at the bottom as a small business/venture but that doesn't mean you can't dream big, does it? It's good to have those big goals!

If you fancy a great read, definitely pick this up. It will turn the most non-business mind into a crazy list - making entrepreneur!

As this is my current favourite reads, I wanted to add in the 'I Am Number Four' book series. I have read the first 2 books and they are amazing. The plot and characters are really interesting and I find myself not able to put the book down!

What books have you been loving lately?